When I was younger, we have Aloe Vera lined up on our garden. I know that my Dad uses it to increase the growth of his hair, because he's starting to bald. Other than that, I never gave it much importance.
What struck me most was to know that Aloe Vera can treat wounds, cuts and burns without leaving a scar. I should have known this when I was younger so I should have spared myself from scars. The gel found in the innermost part of the leaf is effective in healing wounds and bruise when applied directly to the affected area.
I also didn't know that Aloe Vera is safe to consume. I always thought it's toxic and can only be used externally. Aloe Vera enhances the quality of blood therefore it also reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. It prevents the clumping of blood which causes stroke. You can mix it on your favorite drink or shake, or consume the gel fresh from the leaf.
Aloe Vera still has a lot of health benefits but these are the ones that caught my attention since I can relate to them.
My Mom is suffering from high blood and she's also complaining of arthritis and sore gums. I will definitely plant Aloe Vera on our front yard and test if it's really effective.
This herb is easy to propagate. When I was younger, I remember my Dad sticking a bunch of Aloe Vera leaves in our garden and in a few weeks, it's alive with minimum supervision. In a few months, we have dozens of Aloe Vera in our garden.
This is an herb that you should not ignore. Aloe Vera is safe, natural and easy to propagate with many health benefits that you can take advantage of.